Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Table talk

Okay, so being the technical guru that I am, I can't figure out how to get all these new posts in the right order, so if you scroll down to the post titled North Carolina and start there, it will make a little more sense.


Anna said...

in a while crocodile!!!

The Holleys said...

What a gorgeous kid!! She certainly resembles her parents! :) I can't believe how big she is and I still haven't seen her...We have GOT to change that!

Uncle Bobby said...

Why do new parents think that other people have any interest in their children's potty training? As a non-parent, perhaps I do not fully grasp why this is cause for a public notice. One of my golf partners claims that I was potty trained at gun point! What do you suppose he means by that? Perhaps the train robbers on Tweetsy were really some part of your potty training? I must have missed something but I thought you had already begun potty training with the cheese-head hat (see September, 2008)! I am delighted that you are beginning to master some of the songs required for memorable family events like birthdays...not potty trainings. I hope to see you and your new home someday. I suspect we will enjoy each other. Keep on being wonderful.

Gramma said...

Only an Uncle Bobby could outtalk Miss E.