Hey all. This is a simple place we thought we would set up to give everyone updates on Elizabeth and Patrick as well as post video of the little ones. Enjoy!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
It was a cold, rainy day at Tweetsie Railroad, but we managed to have a good time anyway. Elizabeth was not pleased with the cowboys shooting their guns on the train ride, and she made her opinion known by crying all the way through it!
You are rational with your displeasure of gunfire on public transportion! Crying is an apropos way to demonstrate your outrage at this outmoded terrorist incursion. Perhaps in the future, the "bandits" will forego threats of physical harm but, instead, demand that passengers redeem the robbers' worthless Treasury notes preferably in gold! You can "Twitter" whoever is in change of the White House and ask for sanctuary from such uncouth economic miscreants. I'm glad you had your cousin Brendan "in attendance"...I suspect he will be a loyal protector for your entire life. I never actually rode the Tweetsy RR during my years growing up. Your experience makes me hesitant to try out this entertainment venue...besides that, the airplane ride seems a bit muted. Would I be required to wear a red hat? Let's look for something jazzier like roller coasters!
oh my goodness... this is just not okay. she is huge and totally changing. i need more pictures! i feel like a horrible aunt!
You are rational with your displeasure of gunfire on public transportion! Crying is an apropos way to demonstrate your outrage at this outmoded terrorist incursion. Perhaps in the future, the "bandits" will forego threats of physical harm but, instead, demand that passengers redeem the robbers' worthless Treasury notes preferably in gold! You can "Twitter" whoever is in change of the White House and ask for sanctuary from such uncouth economic miscreants. I'm glad you had your cousin Brendan "in attendance"...I suspect he will be a loyal protector for your entire life. I never actually rode the Tweetsy RR during my years growing up. Your experience makes me hesitant to try out this entertainment venue...besides that, the airplane ride seems a bit muted. Would I be required to wear a red hat? Let's look for something jazzier like roller coasters!
No more pictures--Uncle Bobby will have to get out his dictionary.
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