Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ice Skating

Elizabeth had her first ice skating adventure on New Year's Eve! It was about 60 degrees here in Atlanta, so it was perfect at the outdoor rink in Centennial Olympic Park. When we first arrived, we weren't sure we would make it onto the rink at all. The music was very loud, and Little Miss Sensitive is not a fan of loud (unless it's her own voice). But as you can see from the video, she warmed up and had a GREAT time! She thought it was soooo funny every time she slipped :) A big shout out to Daddy from Wisconsin for being able to skate and handle her. I was pretty proud of myself for being able to manage the camera, sometimes in reverse!

1 comment:

Uncle Bobby said...

Finally some new postings for those of us who live for digital images of you! I am glad your parents have become re-introduced with their computer and that a plethora of new photos has been tossed out for out witty (pithy?) commentary. Ice skating only looks like fun. When the Olympic divas spin and twirl skating looks graceful and fluid. In reality, the only thing fluid about ice skating in the pooling of blood (aka a bruise) on your butt from falling. Who invented this nonsense? If it's so cold that one needs to strap on ugly shoes with mile-long laces in order to move about then it's too cold to go outside! There are those who will avow the execise benefits of skating. The only exercise you will get is from picking yourself up a thousand times after you fall. I suspect that the only people who actually enjoy skating are the people who own the rinks, rent the skates and sell outrageously overpriced LP outfits to grandparents! One last thing...never get a crush on a boy who's a good ice skater. He'll either grow up to be a hockey thug or it will be a barking-up-the-wrong-tree deal if you know what I mean.