Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Elizabeth was lucky enough to share her first trip to Disney World with all 4 of her grandparents and her awesome Aunt Anita! (Mom and Dad, too, but who cares about us when the grandparents are around?!) We really had a great trip. We just did the Magic Kingdom this time, and we took it pretty easy. We would head into the park first thing in the morning, and then right after lunch we headed back to the hotel for swimming and nap time. We did go back to the park one night for the Electrical Parade and fireworks. She is still talking about the parade! She absolutely loved it...the fireworks, not so much. We had earplugs for her, but Ed and I still had to make a quick and tearful exit with her once they started.
Her favorite part was definitely meeting all the characters and getting their autographs in her super cool autograph book that Gege made for her. She was pretty hesitant with the characters at first, but by the third day, she was running right up to them with open arms!
Thanks to Gramma, Grandpa, Gege, Gramps, and Anita for making it such a special trip!

1 comment:

Uncle Bobby said...

Disnet World with all four grandparents! "Please, whate'er you do don't throw me in 'dat briar patch!" The Magic Kingdon is a special place but you must remember that it's not real...it was created by a bunch of miscreants and misfits from southern California who could not deal with real life thus they invented the Disney thing. No matter...no one can go there and not have fun. I should know, I was 32 years old when I went the first time to Disneyland (the original license-to-steal Disney property). I went with...oh, never mind...but I can remember the wonders of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride and the thought that I would like to live there too. Collecting autographs of giant characters must be fun. An insider told me that the time limit "in character" was only 40 minutes due to the heat and the overall obnoxiousness of midget autographer seekers. Must still be fun to have all of that adoration. Tell your grandparents that now you want to go to ALL of the Disney theme parks and that includes France and Japan. See how that goes over! Best of luck.