Monday, June 20, 2011

Baby Patrick

My mom came down to Atlanta on June 4th because I was feeling like something might be happening soon -- a perfectly logical thought given that my due date was the 8th. For the next 12 days, she cooked for us (lots of eggplant and pineapple), shopped for us, hung out with Elizabeth, and helped me keep my mind off the fact that I was STILL pregnant. It was a huge blessing to have her with us. On the evening of the 15th, we went to Dairy Queen after dinner. As we ate our ice cream a huge thunderstorm came through. There was also a full moon that night and a lunar eclipse. It took all those forces of nature to finally kick me into labor, and I felt the first contraction that night at 10pm! We went to the hospital the next afternoon at 1pm, and Patrick arrived at 3:49. The labor and birth was our ideal. I labored at home as long as I could, and then had a wonderful, non-medicated water birth at the hospital. My parents and aunt brought Elizabeth to the hospital, and they got to meet him while we were still in the delivery room. Elizabeth has loved her brother from the moment she saw him. She is an amazing big sister!

Patrick Joseph
June 16, 2011
9lbs 9oz
21 inches


Anna said...

yay!!! Patrick is here! I didn't really know since it wasn't on your blog... tee hee hee :)

Uncle Bobby said...

What a blessed event! As an only child and a non-parent I can still appreciate the glory of the moment! Well, Patrick, aka The Little Cardinal, welcome to our world. I look forward to meeting you. Your grandfather Calvin and I truly want to be an intregal part of your "formative" years...that period of innocence during which you will be regaled with stories and "colorful" language (always offered outside of the "radar" of protective relatives). Since it has taken me months to offer commentary on the posting of your birth, you will "be cut some slack" but I'm chomping at the bit to splash some of the same observations on your growth, wardrobe, mannerisms and development which have previously been reserved for your soon-to-be overbearing sister!