Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring Is In The Air

The snow left as quickly as it came, and with it went the cold weather. Spring in Atlanta is great--warmer weather but no bugs yet! We spent many evenings in March packing picnics, riding our bikes to parks, and letting Elizabeth burn off her seemingly endless toddler energy.

We faced the challenge this year of helping her overcome her fear of the bike helmet. Unfortunately, last year we pinched her chin in the helmet buckle on what would be our last ride of the season, and she had been understandably terrified ever since. With much coaxing and patience, we finally got her comfortable with the helmet again--the deal that worked was that she got to snap the buckles on our about terrifying!

1 comment:

Uncle Bobby said...

I am amazed by the bike-ride contraption! This took some design work and to think the success/failure came down to a helmet buckle! There are some life lessons here: 1)never go anywhere someone else recommends unless the other person(s) is willing to go with you; 2)unless you are the lead dog, the view never changes; 3)a helmet can save you a lot of pain and grief "after the fact;" 3) stuff should match unless the whole point is for it not to match;4)adults will inevitably cross you up...find some way to forgive them...they mean well but they can be dense.