Friday, January 22, 2010

The Green House

January found us back in Georgia with the opening of my daycare quickly approaching. The process of getting The Green House off the ground and running has been a terrifying and satisfying experience. No two days are alike! Elizabeth continues to adjust to sharing Mommy with "her friends," which is what she calls all the other children, even though she still doesn't always treat them in a necessarily "friendly" manner, and Mommy continues to adjust to juggling the needs of 5 children at once. All in all, I have been very blessed in my business venture. I am full now and have a waiting list!

Here are a few shots of Elizabeth and her friends at The Green House...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas in Washington

We were lucky enough to be able to spend a week and a half with Ed's parents in Washington state for Christmas this year. (Yes, I realize that it was technically last year, as it is now August 2010, but bear with me here...) All of the Link siblings along with their spouses and the 2 grandchildren were able to be there, so it really was a treat!

Elizabeth and her cousin Jack had a great time trying out the piano, exploring the Christmas tree (which Gege had beautifully decorated, as always), and even playing in the snow!